Friday, August 26, 2011

Silüetler - Silüetler (1967)

"Siluetler was probably the biggest rock'n roll attraction in Turkey in the 1960's after Gökçen Kaynatan's band (whom they were actually an offshout of). Led by the talented young guitarist Mesut Aytunca, the band took Turkish Rock'n'roll out of the identity crisis, producing the first real examples of Turkish Rock music blending traditional music with rock. Tragically Aytunca was strangled to death (in extremely sordid circumstances) in 1976." Gökhan Aya, Jay Dobis

-Many of the songs remind very much at The Shadows.- Various of the songs are even too ? much in this English Shadows style without much Turkish crossover influence left .

I wondered if Siluetler meant I asked about it, and did recieve this answer :

"Siluetler is Turkish for 'silhouette'. Gölgeler would be shadows. But the name is clearly derived from The Shadows. When I first heard Kak Oyunu oddly referred to as Kak Havas on your site I smiled at the name reference, since the lead guitar could have been being played by Hank Marvin himself. It's a great recording."
PS. "The Shadows were known as The Drifters until the original American Drifters threatened legal action. I believe it was meant to mean that they were Cliff Richard's shadows.)" Can Altinbay

"Well, we can call them "Turkish SHADOWS", mostly instrumental composes, with beautiful guitars. The band's guitarist Mesut Aytunca was playing "Hank Marvin" style.
Siluetler means "Silhouettes" Really beautiful guitars, for the 60's period of Turkey. Face A of this single is the final song of 1965 Altin Mikrofon Song Contest.

About most known single :
"Kasik Havasi" is a well known Turkish music, performed by guitars playing beat & rock sound. One of the early samples of Turkish traditional music in west sound.
"Sis" (The Fog) is a Siluetler adaptation, seems like "The Shadows"' slow composes. " Guner

Taken from here