We came here in ancient times to these lands where we now roam Utilizing its riches, having power over them It is for future generations what our ancestor’s upheld it is the land of the Inuit it will be theirs it will be theirs forever then came the qallunaat – the white people – with their way of life they referred to the holy ones and wanted to have influence their masters decreed our lands should be ruled and take possession of its riches and sell them above our heads and sell them above our heads and sell them above our heads with those we call our representatives we have been lulled to sleep we want to arise in unison For it is for the future generations what our ancestors upheld It is the land of the Inuit they will rule it in unison it will be theirs forever it will be theirs forever
Here, at Ezhevika Fields, I'm providing information & listening preview samples of lost albums from the past. My only aim is to promote real art & music for some reasons currently unavailable according to my sources. If you are the artist or label & would like the link to be removed just contact me & it will be done.
I'd like to thank all original uploaders; collectors sharing music giving us the unique possibility to explore the culture. Thank you!
1 comment:
Inuit nunaat
Qangarsuaq tikippavut
nunat uku najukkavut
pisuussutai atorpavut pissaaneqarfigalugit
kingulitta pissaraat
siulitta attataat
inuit nunagaat
qaqugumut pigissavaat
qaqugumut pigissavaat qaqugumut
Tikikkujaallu qallunaat eqqullugu inuusertik
illernartunullu saattaraat sunniiniartuarlutik
naalagaasa peqquaat
nunavut aqussagaat
pisuussutaat tigussagaat
tunissagaat qulaalluta
tunissagaat qulaalluta
tunissagaat qulaalluta
Siunnertitut taasavut
katilluta ataatsimut
kingulittami pissaraat
siulitta attataat
inuit nunagaat
aqussavaat ataatsimut
pigissavaat qaqugumut
pigissavaat qaqugumut
Taall: Malik Høegh
Inuit nunaat - The Land of the Inuit
We came here in ancient times
to these lands where we now roam
Utilizing its riches, having power over them
It is for future generations
what our ancestor’s upheld
it is the land of the Inuit
it will be theirs
it will be theirs forever
then came the qallunaat – the white people – with their way of life
they referred to the holy ones and wanted to have influence
their masters decreed
our lands should be ruled
and take possession of its riches
and sell them above our heads
and sell them above our heads
and sell them above our heads
with those we call our representatives
we have been lulled to sleep
we want to arise
in unison
For it is for the future generations
what our ancestors upheld
It is the land of the Inuit
they will rule it in unison
it will be theirs forever
it will be theirs forever
Lyrics: Malik Høegh, 1974
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