Whew! This one's a mess. Hilariously inept drumming. Some nice fuzz guitar here and there. An oddball, seemingly drunk and mush mouthed vocalist plus some cool weirdo sound effects scattered throughout. I kinda dug it really. Will grab it if it turns up whilst thrifting, for sure. Thanks as always.
Here, at Ezhevika Fields, I'm providing information & listening preview samples of lost albums from the past. My only aim is to promote real art & music for some reasons currently unavailable according to my sources. If you are the artist or label & would like the link to be removed just contact me & it will be done.
I'd like to thank all original uploaders; collectors sharing music giving us the unique possibility to explore the culture. Thank you!
thanks for this too, cheers
I have to thank you for all your posts! awesome stuff!
Whew! This one's a mess. Hilariously inept drumming. Some nice fuzz guitar here and there. An oddball, seemingly drunk and mush mouthed vocalist plus some cool weirdo sound effects scattered throughout. I kinda dug it really. Will grab it if it turns up whilst thrifting, for sure. Thanks as always.
Musically this is about the closest you are going to get to The Shaggs attempting a Krautrock venture.
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