Friday, May 24, 2024

The Sweet Marie - Stuck In Paradise (1972)

don't hang around, enjoy good music!


Anonymous said...

I appreciate where these guys are coming from
A slight Chambers Brothers thing going on.
There is some soul here, and the title track is a bit of a banger.
It's groove and it mixed to perfection? No, not at all.
It feels very independent release.
But I appreciate the execution and groove. These is like your local band back in the day kind of stuff.
And those are some of my favorite records. Just another band trying to make it.

Anonymous said...

unky melodic rock with psych touches
The second and final outing is better than the debut and it really rocks in places - like 'DoDo' and the psych fuzz guitar fueled 'Stella's Candy Store'.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Marie - Sweet Marie 1 (1970)

Funky tinged melodic hard rock with Hendrix stylings and killer guitar moves

vocal duties are shared, which add a nice mix to the musical output.

Some songs are killer Hendrix style blues funk hard rock with killer guitars and others are more conventional rockers.

a stellar debut.

Nondescript funk-rock. The only album I've ever heard with a stand-alone drum solo (not even the meager lead-in that Cream's "Toad" got). It's better than Maximillian or Warlock, but you can't find praise much fainter than that. How can you tell it's bad? Everyone who has reviewed it has a different favorite track, which means that nothing truly stands out. "Thru Rusty Windows" ain't much, but it at least offers a little variation from the amateur Barry White vibe ("Ooh! Uh-huh, baby! Damn, you fine! Mercy!!! UHHHHH!!!!!!!") offered throughout the rest of this slab. Get Love's Blue Thumb stuff instead.

one killer track here
"Sweet Pea"

3.1/5 RYM